Auctus Industries

Auctus aims to build a diversified, highly profitable, predominantly aerospace business.

Auctus is a company, not a series of investments, and is seeking to acquire multiple 'platform' companies across the aerospace sector, and then smaller bolt‐ons to those platforms.

Auctus is interested in businesses with:

  • niche products
  • sole supplier positions
  • high level of customer integration
  • 'sticky' business that is hard to re‐source
  • aftermarket exposure
  • consolidation opportunity

Auctus' focus is on the US (particularly Southern California), UK and continental Europe and we are targeting 'platform' acquisitions of between $50‐300 million enterprise value ("EV") and smaller 'bolt‐on' acquisitions of $5‐50 million EV.

Auctus was founded with significant capital from the three Founders and 3rd party capital providers.